School Context
Sport and PE are a central pillar in our curriculum and enrichment offer for the pupils of Great Abington Primary School. Despite being a small school in 2018 we employed a full time sports assistant to support the leadership team in driving and sustaining improvement in PE and sports. We are extremely proud of our Platinum Award for School Sports awarded after 5 Gold awards in a row!
How much Sports Premium did Great Abington receive?
- The school received £17,184 for the 2022 - 2023 reporting period
How has the Sports Premium been spent?
- Employing a full time sports assistant
- Membership of the South Cambridgeshire School Sports Partnership
- Access to events | Staff development | Advice and Guidance
- Teacher training
- Transportation for specific events such as Cross Country
The impact the school has seen on pupils’ PE, physical activity, and sport participation and attainment
- Targeted girls team sports - specifically football, netball and rugby
- Targeted EYFS pupils who did not achieve a good level of development in physical development
- Achieved the School Games Sports Mark at Platinum standard
- Participation in school based and local competition
- Hosted a Cluster Fun Run event
- Updated equipment
How the improvements will be sustainable in the future?
- Teacher feedback positive on impact on their knowledge, skills and understanding of the PE curriculum
- Annual sport development plan monitored by Governors
- Sports Assistant is a permanent member of staff
- Additional community work with the parish recreation committee
Percentage of pupils within our 2022 - 2023 year 6 cohort who met the national curriculum requirement to:
- Swim competently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- 77% of our 2022 - 2023 Year 6 cohort
- Use a range of strokes effectively
- 84% of our 2022 - 2023 Year 6 cohort
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
- 81% of our 2022 - 2023 Year 6 cohort