Building blocks
At Great Abington we work in partnership with you to create: curious, resilient, inquisitive, independent pupils who relish challenge. They need to engaged in all aspects of school life from the enriched curriculum to the extra curricular clubs. Please do come and talk to us if at any stage you are concerned about the outcomes being achieved by your child(ren). In partnership we can overcome any barriers that inhibit pupils learning and feeling safe within school. The two main areas we need your support with are: reading and developing curiosity.
Do inform us (contact us page) of any ideas you have for helping your child at home.
Times Tables Rockstars Login - Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. (PTFA Funded)
The following APPs can be used on your Smartphone / Tablet: Amazon | Android | APPLE IOS
Support for Spelling offers the opportunity to practise spellings linked to particular spelling rules (for Y2, Y3/4 and Y5/6). All words are read aloud and provided within a sentence for context.
We have developed a core maths pack for parents / carers which support the early development and embedding of mathematical concepts. Below is our maths calculation policy. This document includes many of the different strategies we teach. Do talk to Ms. Robinson (Maths leader) for further information.