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Great Abington Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage

This page provides information, guidance and links related to the vital foundation stage that develops the building blocks for future years.

The EYFS Profile - A Guide for Parents and Carers

This guide explains more about the EYFS profile, including what it is and how it will be completed. We hope you find this guide useful. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a member of staff.


What Is the EYFS Profile?

The EYFS profile is sometimes known as the early years profile or EYFSP. It summarises a child’s attainment at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is when they finish their reception year. In September, the child will then move into key stage 1 as they enter year 1.


What Are the Early Learning Goals?

The EYFS profile summarises a child’s attainment against the early learning goals. There are seventeen early learning goals (sometimes shortened to ELGs) across all the Areas of Learning. The early learning goals are the goals or targets that children are working to achieve by the end of reception. The goals cover a range of skills that children will have been learning and practising throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Communication and Language (CL) Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)


The Early Learning Goals

The early learning goals are grouped together into seven Areas of Learning. There are seventeen early learning goals in total. Here is a summary of the goals and some of the skills they cover:


Communication and Language (CL)

Listening, Attention and Understanding: includes holding conversations, making comments and asking questions about what they’ve heard and showing good listening skills.

Speaking: includes offering explanations and expressing their ideas and feelings in full sentences.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

Self-Regulation: includes showing an understanding of their own feelings and those of others.

•.Managing Self: includes managing their own basic hygiene needs and showing independence.

• Building Relationships: includes working and playing with others, taking turns and making friends.


Physical Development

Fine Motor Skills: includes using a range of small tools, such as cutlery, paint brushes and scissors, along with holding and controlling a pencil.

Gross Motor Skills: includes showing balance and coordination in large movements, such as running, jumping and climbing.

Mathematics (M)

Number: includes understanding numbers to ten, subitising (the ability to recognise amounts in small groups without counting) and recalling pairs of numbers that make five or ten (number bonds).

Numerical Patterns: includes counting to twenty and beyond and comparing quantities and number patterns, such as odd and even numbers.


Literacy (L)

• Comprehension: includes retelling stories and using new vocabulary.

• Word Reading: includes using their knowledge of phonics to read letters, words and simple sentences.

• Writing: includes writing letters, words and simple sentences.

Understanding the World (UtW)

Past and Present: includes knowing some similarities and differences between things in the past and the present day.

People, Culture and Communities: includes knowing some similarities and differences between religious cultures and communities.

The Natural World: includes exploring the natural world, making observations and knowing some similarities and differences between different environments. 


Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

Creating with Materials: includes using different materials, tools and techniques to represent their ideas.

Being Imaginative and Expressive: includes creating stories and singing rhymes, songs and poems.


How Is the Profile Completed? 

Miss Waddington (along with Mrs Drillingcourt) will use her knowledge of what each child knows, understands and can do in order to decide the outcomes presented in the profile. She will also take into account the views of other people, including parents and carers, other members of staff and other agencies, such as childminders or speech and language teachers. For each of the seventeen early learning goals, children will be awarded an outcome. This will be either:


• ‘Emerging’ - meaning that the child is not yet reaching the expected level 

• ‘Expected’ - meaning the child has reached the expected level.


These outcomes will be shared with the child’s parents/carers and their year 1 teacher. Remember, there is no need to worry if your child is given an emerging level for one or more of the goals. Children develop at different rates and the main purpose of the profile is to provide support for each child at the correct level as they continue through the school. 


How Will the Profile Outcomes Be Used? 

The main purpose of the EYFS profile is to help create a smooth transition into year 1. The profile results will be shared and discussed with the child’s year 1 teacher to enable them to plan activities to meet the needs of all children in the class and to develop an understanding of each child’s needs. 


How Can I Help My Child after the EYFS Profile?

Over the summer holidays, before your child starts year 1, there are plenty of activities you can do with your child to build on the skills they have been learning in reception. 


These include:

• Reading stories together

• Talking about activities and your child’s ideas 

• Writing about somewhere you visit or something you do

• Playing counting and number games

• Creative activities, such as painting and drawing 

• Exploring the natural world by visiting a garden or park


Please ask a member of staff if you would like some more activities or some specific ideas for supporting your child as they move into year 1.  

