At Great Abington Primary we understand the importance of building secure mathematical knowledge throughout a child's learning journey. By the time children leave Great Abington they would be curious, embrace challenge and be able to apply their knowledge to a range of contexts. We understand our responsibilities around preparing children for their next phase of education. Alongside the academic rigour, we provide opportunities for children to develop mathematical concepts within real life scenarios. We have planned to review our Maths provision in 2024 and will engage with all stakeholders as part of that process. Below we have detailed our current provision across the school.
- Early maths is embedded within continuous provision giving children access to a range of physical resources in order to practice key skills and develop vocabulary.
- Children follow a consistent progression of mathematical concepts, knowledge and understanding based upon the National Curriculum Programme of study.
- When required we extend the school day for pupils that require additional support to ensure they have the best opportunity to meet expected standards.
- Additional resources and support is provided for those pupils that are finding maths a challenge.
- We engage with Cambridgeshire Maths Hub and other recognised bodies of expertise to ensure our own knowledge and understanding is current.
- Outdoor learning provides the backdrop for using and applying mathematical knowledge.
- Challenge is integrated into the school culture and is embraced through our maths lessons.
- Concrete resources are used throughout the school to enable children to visualise, experiment and problem solve.
- Whole class technology is used for modelling real life resources and interactive resources used to support understanding of patterns and relationships.
- We use Google Classroom to provide online learning and support for key stage 2 pupils. In EYFS and key stage 1 we use Tapestry to provide online guidance and sharing of learning.
- Our PTFA provides every pupil with a subscription to TT Rockstars to support 24/7 access to quality times table resources.
- From Year 1 to Year 5 we use NfER standardised tests to provide support for teacher assessment on a termly basis.
- The outcomes and impact of our Maths provision is monitored throughout the academic year.
- In Year 6 we prepare pupils for the DfE statutory assessments using a range of materials and close liaison with parents / carers.
- We provide personalised mathematics analysis as part of the transition package to key stage 3.
- Parents and carers will be informed of progress through face to face / online meetings, ad hoc discussion when required.
Please do come and talk with us if you have any questions, concerns or can provide real life contexts for mathematical use within society.