This page outlines our work with our pupil premium pupils receiving the DFE Pupil Premium grant. This illustrates the teamwork that is provided to support children to fulfil their potential.
Barriers to fulfilling potential | Approach and rationale | Impact and process of measuring |
Inconsistent support for learning within the home context | Additional quality first teaching opportunities during the academic year 08:00 - 08:40 - core learning time Personalised interventions by trained staff EEF teaching and Learning Toolkit evidence Chromebook loan scheme to enable pupils to access remote learning provision Additional physical resources (learning packs) Additional contact with the home - phone calls / Google Meets / Face to Face Monitoring of engagement through trackers | Learning outcomes - significant progress made by pupils against baselines Values: motivation, confidence and resilience Regular contact with pupils / parents - check-ins enabled changes in support / resources Equity of provision for online learning Governor reviews Self review processes |
Significant social trauma to the family context ● Anxiety ● Low self esteem | Whole staff approach to supporting individual pupils - good communication about need(s) Staff training opportunities focused on outdoor learning Personalised approach to 1:1 music tuition across a range of instruments Access to specialist support services through Early Help Hub support teams Personal items: books, writing pens, clothes EEF teaching and Learning Toolkit evidence Encouraged pupils to attend school where remote learning has proved challenging Monitoring of engagement through trackers | Learning outcomes across the curriculum but especially in core learning areas Staff better equipped to support range of need at Great Abington Primary Assessment against core Values: motivation, confidence and resilience Identification of pupils that required additional support / change to provision Governor reviews Self review processes |
Inequality of opportunity around enrichment to core curriculum offer through school | Financial support to enable participation in sport, cultural, life skill events and activities Technology loans - Chromebook / tablet devices for access to online learning resources and Google Education infrastructure Additional enrichment opportunities through our curriculum offer EEF teaching and Learning Toolkit evidence | Increased participation across range of sporting and cultural clubs (school based and local sports provider) Increased access to curriculum enrichment opportunities Values: motivation, confidence and resilience Governor reviews Self review processes |
As a school we reflect on our own practice in relation to respected research outcomes that identified seven key areas that are common in schools that are successful in raising the attainment of disadvantaged children:
1. Whole school ethos of excellence/high attainment for all.
2. Effective behaviour and attendance strategies.
3. Quality First Teaching, including sharing best practice.
4. Meeting the needs of individual pupils.
5. Effective deployment of staff.
6. Data drives improvement and identifies quickly emerging needs.
7. Leadership is aspirational and invests in staff training.
Strategies we are using:
Quality first teaching is a significant factor in improving our pupils' outcomes.
School staff are able to run accelerated learning sessions before school (or at other times) for identified pupils when they feel it is appropriate and through liaison with parents / carers.
Preparation, Planning and Assessment time release provisioned by SENCO / PP Leader.
Resources to support core areas are provided on an ad hoc basis depending on pupil context. Enrichment opportunities are provided for both educational visits and extra curricular clubs.
For specified pupils individual music tuition will be utilised to develop responsibility, confidence and cooperation.
Does it work?
● Great Abington Primary School uses a whole range of strategies to ensure that every child achieves their full academic potential.
● Our small cohort size makes data comparisons challenging but what we do know is that many of our pupils make good progress at all stages and this includes pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium.
● We firmly believe that pupil outcomes are more than academic achievement (although this is our core objective) and includes our values – especially resilience, motivation, confidence, honesty, cooperation and respect.
● We are very focused that our role is to prepare all our pupils for leaving the Primary phase in their transition to Year 7 and secondary education.
● With our Year 6 cohort limited to a maximum of 20 we know from feedback that they are well rounded and ready to embrace the expanded offering of feeder Colleges.
● The level of responsibility and challenge the Year 6 cohort are expected to take on is considerable. With considered and caring support and academic / social guidance they excel and this can be seen in their work across the school and enrichment activities.
● All pupils regardless of background, status are expected and are supported to fully embrace the challenges
Where can I get more information about how the pupil premium ensures that pupils make progress?
For more information about how we plan provision and track progress please speak to Guy Underwood (Head Teacher), Laura Lungley (Pupil Premium Lead) or Mark Carter (Pupil Premium Governor). Contact the office to make an appointment: Contact Us page
I am not sure if my child would be eligible for Free School Meals or Pupil premium funding. Where can I get more information?
Please speak to Emma Presland (School Administrator) in total confidence.
Online information on Pupil Premium:
Department for Education: information
Cambridgeshire County Council: information