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Great Abington Primary School

Primary Science Quality Mark

Inspiring the next generation of Scientists

As a school community we are extremely proud to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (Gilt standard) award for the second time for our work in Science. Through support from The Wellcome Trust and specialist advice from Dr Jo Montgomery the year long continuing professional development programme enabled the school community to reflect and engage in outstanding Science practice. Our portfolio submission is below and showcases our achievements and next steps.

Primary Science Quality Mark - great primary science leadership, great primary science.

We are very proud to support the PSQM schools programme through our involvement in the 2021 PSQM video showcasing Science in a Primary setting

Links to other areas of Science activity

We are the Lead School for The Ogden Trust Cambridge Primary Partnership focusing on professional development and activities that impact positively on staff development and Pupil outcomes within physics (Academic, Curiosity and Science Capital)

Our Science Principles (developed through our PSQM journey)
