Home Page PTFA

Great Abington Primary School

Contact Details

Great Abington Primary School
68 High Street
Great Abington
Cambridge CB21 6AE

Telephone: 01223 891362




Safeguarding | Child Protection Contact Details: 


Telephone: 07715413198

Headteacher | Designated Safeguarding Lead inc. Prevent Lead & Designated Post LAC Lead for the School: Guy Underwood
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for the School (KS1 and KS2) | SENCo for the School: Laura Lungley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for the School (Early Years) | Online: Jess Robinson
Administration Lead: Emma Presland

Chair of Governors / Child Protection / Safeguarding Governor: Rachel Clay

Chair of Governors / Finance: Mark Carter

Vice Chair of Governors: Neil Larkin

Chair of Resources Committee: Sally Phipps

Chair of Teaching, Learning & Standards Committee: Will Earl

Parent, Teacher, Friends of Abington Association (PTFA) Chair: Claire Nysia Gill

Data Protection Officer: Nick Brown ( 


Contact the Great Abington School Office

Use either the contact form or a direct email to if you wish to contact members of staff. Note individual email addresses for staff should not be used. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Please do remember that staff are accessible at the end of the school day and a member of the senior leadership team will be on the playground in the morning.

If you require paper copies of information on the website please contact the school office (there is no charge for this service)